Having regular customers is crucial to every waxing business.Though waxing services are an essential part of personal grooming and many people get these services regularly, they don’t automatically return to the same service provider every time. Obtaining loyal clients requires building rapport through the practice of consistent professional habits.
Here are 8 habits successful Wax Technicians practice to build client rapport and maintain client loyalty:
- Meticulous with determination to get all the hair every time. There is nothing worse than a client paying top dollar for a waxing service only to get home and find patches of hair were missed. If you must leave hair behind because hair is too short or the skin is showing signs of irritation, be sure to bring it to your clients attention and tell them the reason hair is being left behind. Never assume a client won’t notice. These are great opportunities to talk about how proper care in between services can set them up for better results next time. When hair is left behind in smaller areas such as the face or underarms, there is the option to tweeze any remaining hair. For larger areas, utilizing a mapping application pattern can be helpful to ensure no sections of hair are missed. The consistent habit of being meticulous not only helps to achieve better results, it also demonstrates that you care about doing a good job and clients appreciate that!

- Taking the time to educate. Providing your clients with education helps establish trust and makes them feel more confident in your ability to provide the service. It also helps establish guidelines for you to hold your client accountable to do their part in between services. If a client doesn’t know what to expect before or after being waxed, they are likely to think that even normal skin responses such as redness or bumps are the fault of the service provider or the products used by the service provider. When a client is informed of everything they can do to improve their hair removal results and reduce any undesirable side effects, they are likely to follow your instructions. Once informed and the client chooses not to follow your instructions, they will be more forgiving of undesirable results because they understand they also have to contribute to the process. It’s also important to provide details when making recommendations. For example, when telling clients they need to exfoliate in between services to prevent ingrown hairs, make sure to tell them how often and what products are acceptable or not acceptable to use. Then, explain the reasoning behind your recommendations. If a client doesn't understand the reasoning behind what they are supposed to be doing, they are not likely to do it.
- Making sure the service space appeases ALL the senses:
- Scent: Smell in particular is closely linked to memory. If your space smells good, clients will naturally enjoy being in the environment and feel drawn to return. Scent can also have a negative impact on a clients memory and experience. Poor hygiene, body odor, food, trash, smoke or overpowering fragrances (even natural ones), are a few smells that are intolerable to clients. It doesn’t matter how charming or qualified of a service you are, if there are overpowering and undesirable smells anywhere in or near the service space, it will repel a client's desire to return.
- Sight: View the business space through the eyes of the client. Sit in the waiting area. Look around in other frequently visited places such as the bathroom. Lay back on the waxing table while in the treatment room and see what the client sees. What do you notice? How do you feel when you look around your space? Eye catching elements such as artwork, lighting or paint color can make your space more inviting and memorable. However, it’s also important that the space is clean and well organized. If a client sees cluttered spaces, messy wax pots, overflowing trash or feels their feet sticking to the floor, they may think twice about returning.

- Sound: Be mindful of all the sounds coming in and out of your space. If walls have poor insulation or outside sounds are distracting, you may consider using a white noise maker, a fan or music in the space to defuse the sound. Music selection should always match the environment you wish to create. Conversation is a great way to get to know clients and can also help to establish long lasting relationships. When choosing conversation topics, be aware that the service is taking place in a professional setting. Avoid toxic conversation such as gossip. Though conversations may involve personal life information from time to time, make an effort to keep focus on the client and abstain from over sharing too much personal information.

- Touch: Waxing services can be uncomfortable. The more a service provider can do to make a client relaxed, the better their memory of the experience will be. This includes everything from the ambiance of the room, to the products used, and the techniques employed. A relaxing atmosphere can help your clients feel at ease and reduce the discomfort associated with waxing. Make sure the temperature of the room and the wax is also comfortable.
- Taste: Providing light refreshments for clients is one of the many ways a business can make clients feel welcome. Refreshments such as water, coffee, tea, mints, chocolate or any other treats provided can enhance your clients experience and give them another reason they look forward to rebooking.
- Demonstrate appreciation(and be genuine about it). Clients are likely to continue supporting businesses when they feel appreciated. A simple thank you for coming in goes a long way. You can go above and beyond by sending handwritten thank you notes for new clients or send out customer appreciation emails on occasion. Another way to show appreciation for clients is by offering a client loyalty program or by hosting special client appreciation events.
- Be dependable: Clients like to have peace of mind that you will be available to accommodate them when they need it. With waxing, many clients plan for their services right before special events, so it can be even more frustrating if their appointment gets canceled at the last minute. Avoid rescheduling appointments unless absolutely necessary. If a service provider goes on unexpected vacations often or calls in sick regularly, clients may get the impression that they are inconsiderate or careless about their profession and they will seek their services elsewhere. Sometimes canceling on clients is unavoidable, but if you are someone who consistently demonstrates being dependable, your clients will likely be forgiving and continue booking despite the occasional need to cancel.
- Plan ahead: Remember the 5 P’s: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance. There is nothing more stressful than running out of wax mid service or not having a product in stock that you just promised a client would help with their ingrown hair problem. Having sufficient products and supplies on hand allows you to do your job efficiently and effectively. Make sure you have enough wax, gloves, sticks, pr and post wax products, and retail products in stock to ensure you are able to provide a complete and professional service. Plan ahead, arrive to work early to set up and make sure your wax is preheated. Make sure you are looking at your schedule at least a couple weeks ahead and give yourself enough time to order supplies and have products shipped to you.
- Provided a sense of urgency to rebook. Sometimes clients don’t rebook because they don’t think they need to. To avoid the disappointment of you being booked when they reach out in need of your services, you may consider saying something like, “Would you like to schedule your next service so I can assure I am available when it's time for you to return? Remind clients that they always have the option to reschedule but pre booking will secure a spot for them. If a client senses you have a full schedule and they feel that you are genuinely trying to accommodate their needs, they are much more likely to prebook and keep their future appointments.
- Be approachable and open to feedback: If a client has a less than desirable experience, be open to hear about it. Sometimes a client just wants to be heard. When listening to a client's experience, give them your full attention and do not interrupt. Avoid being defensive or reactive to the problem and focus on being solution oriented. It can be difficult to address negative client experiences, especially if there isn't an easy solution. However, if a client feels they can openly communicate with you, it builds a deeper sense of trust and rapport, while also giving you the opportunity to make it right before the client's negative experience escalates to the point of them not returning or posting a bad review.
In conclusion, the best way to build client rapport and maintain client loyalty is to be consistent in your professional habits so that you can continually meet the needs of your clients. When clients' needs are being met, not only will they continue to schedule with you, they will likely share their experience with others, helping create a good reputation for your business and attract more loyal clients.